


Learn how to use cancould and

 could have to talk about ability,

 and do the exercises to practise using them.

Level: beginner

We use can and can't to talk

 about someone's skill 

or general abilities:

She can speak several languages.
He can swim like a fish.
They can't dance very well.

We use can and can't to talk

 about the ability to do something

 at a specific time in the

 present or future:

can see you.
Help! I can't breathe.

We use could and couldn't

 to talk about the past:

She could speak several languages.
couldn't see you.

Level: intermediate

We use could have to say that

 someone had the ability 

or opportunity

 to do something, but did not do it:

could have danced all night.

 [but I didn’t]

She could have learned  Swahili,

 but she didn't want to.

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