Informal Letter


To write an informal letter in English, you need to know the way in which it is written. Informal letter writing is easier than you think. It is just like a long talk with a friend or relative.

In this article, the format of an informal letter is explored under the following headings.

  • What Is an Informal Letter?
  • What Can You Write about in an Informal Letter?
  • How to Write an Informal Letter?
  • Informal Letter Format Samples
    • Informal Letter Format 1 – Letter to Your Cousin Inquiring about Her First Visit to Ethiopia
    • Informal Letter Format 2 – Letter to Your Friend about Arranging a Get-Together
    • Informal Letter Format 3 – Reply Regretting Inability To Join
  • FAQ On Informal Letter Format

What Is an Informal Letter?

Informal letters are personal letters that are written to let your friends or family know about what is going on in your life and to convey your regards. An informal letter is usually written to a family member, a close acquaintance, or a friend. The language used in an informal letter is casual and personal.

What Can You Write about in an Informal Letter?

You can literally write about anything you feel or think you want to convey. Informal letters can be written to inform your dear ones about your success in a competition, about a movie you watched recently, about the trip that you would be going on, and so on. It can also be to enquire about their well-being, to invite them to go along with you on a trip, to congratulate them on their new job, to convey your regards, etc. You can be as personal as you want when writing an informal letter.

How to Write an Informal Letter?

Like any letter, there is a format to write an informal letter in English. Unlike a formal letter, an informal letter does not need to state something specific. It can be written in an easy, conversational style. They are in the nature of a friendly chat, so it can include a variety of topics. It can have all that you want to tell your dear one about. You can use colloquial expressions, unlike formal letters. There are a few easy guidelines that you can follow to be able to write impressive informal letters.

  • Address and Date:
    If you are thinking of how to start writing an informal letter, here is what you should know. To get your informal letter format right, you have to begin it with the sender’s address. The address is written on the left-hand side of the paper. It is necessary that you write the complete address so that the receiver can write back to you. So, see to that you give the correct address along with the pin code. In case you are writing to someone in a different country, make sure you include your country in the address. For example,29, NBC GardenCoimbatore, India – 641053This is followed by the date. Writing the date is important as it would help the receiver know when exactly you had written the letter. You can write the date in either of the following formats:For example,

    15/11/2021 or 15th November, 2021 or November 15, 2021

  • Forms of Greeting/Salutation:
    In informal letters to friends and family, you can address them by their names prefixed by qualifying terms such as Dear, My dear, Dearest, etc. You can also address them by their pet names (Eg: Dearest Rosy, Dear Andy, My dear Sweety…) or by their relationship with you (Dear Uncle, Dearest Grandma, My dear Cousin…). If you are writing to an ordinary friend who is older than you are, or of superior rank, it is respectful to use prefixes such as Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc. For example, Dear Mr Reddy.
  • Introduction and Body of the Letter:
    The words you use determine the nature of your letter. You can start your informal letter with an introduction to set the tone of the matter that is going to be discussed. You can begin by enquiring about the health and well-being of the recipient. For instance, I hope this letter of mine finds you in the pink of health. You can then explain the reason behind the letter and provide the details as elaborate as you wish to, unlike formal letters. The letter can be more like a friendly chat than an essay. You can write in a very casual and personal tone. If you are writing to an older person, do not use disrespectful terms or sentences.
  • Conclusion:
    End the informal letter on a friendly note. Use words in such a way that the recipient feels like they have had a wonderful time chatting with you. See to that you make sure you let them know that you would be awaiting their response to your letter.
  • Forms of Subscription/Signature:
    You can use the following in informal letters to relatives and near friends: Yours affectionately, Yours lovingly, Your loving friend, With love, etc., followed by your name (mostly your first name).If you are writing to a close acquaintance whom you have addressed as Dear Mr, Mrs, etc., you can use Yours sincerely, Kind regards, etc.

Informal Letter Format Samples

Let us now look at some examples of informal letter formats to help you understand better.


Informal Letter Format 1 – Letter to Your Cousin Enquiring about Her First Visit to Ethiopia

34, Park Avenue

Mumbai – 400023

24th September, 2021


Dearest Maria,

I was so glad to hear from my mother that you are back home after the trip. Hope you had a safe and enjoyable trip. I have been waiting to hear all about the trip from you.

Since this was the first time you have been to a foreign land, I guess every little bit of the trip was as exciting as you expected it to be. I have heard from my friends residing there that the place is extremely beautiful and that the people there are very endearing. However, I was worried when I knew that there were a few bomb blasts during your stay there. Hope all of you there were safe. I hope everything else was fine except for this.

I had spoken to your mother earlier, and she told me that you would be coming home after two weeks. I saw your pictures on Instagram as well. I can’t wait to meet you and hear all your stories. Waiting eagerly for your reply.

Your loving cousin,



Informal Letter Format 2 – Letter to a Friend about Arranging a Get-together

BB Street,

Allahabad – 211005



Dear Surya,

Hope you are keeping well, and everyone at home is keeping safe and healthy. It has been a long time since all of us have met, so I was thinking we could all meet up. I have planned to have a get-together next month. I would love to discuss more about it.

All of us could meet on Friday evening and stay over the weekend at a resort in Munnar. The climate in Munnar is great and it will be a good stress reliever. We could also go around the tourist spots if everyone is interested. If you are ready, we could talk to the others also. I will visit you next weekend to discuss more on this.

Awaiting your reply and hoping to meet you soon.




Informal Letter Format 3 – Reply Regretting Inability to Join

144, Stark Lane

Mumbai – 400054



Dear Sreya,

It is extremely thoughtful of you to plan a get-together for all of us. I wish I could join you, but I am sorry to say that I have a project starting next month, and it would not be possible for me to be there. If there is any way of preponing the get-together to any time before the month-end, I can definitely make it to our gathering.

I hope we can reschedule the get-together and not miss the chance to meet up. Waiting to hear from you.

With love,


FAQ on Informal Letter Format

How can you write an informal letter?

An informal letter should include:

  • The Sender’s address
  • Date
  • Greeting/Salutation
  • Introduction
  • Body of the letter
  • Conclusion
  • Signature

How do you start an informal letter?

As far as an informal letter is concerned, you can start by greeting the person and conveying regards. You can then state the purpose of your letter.

What is the difference between a formal letter and an informal letter?

A formal letter is written in a professional manner where you directly state the intent of your letter and what you expect; whereas, an informal letter can be written to anyone whom you are close to about anything you want to share.

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